Be it gratifying or grueling, unexpectedly humorous or inspirational and life altering, my first marathon running with my uncle STEPHEN will forever be imprinted in my mind.Looking back, the reasons I finally decided to 'take the plunge' and run a marathon are somewhat fuzzy. In some ways it was a snap decision. I did not spend a lot of time thinking about it or debating pros and cons. It was a crystallization of many factors into a sudden decision.But of all marathons i done so far i can say honestly that Dingle was the toughest course yet. The waves crashing along the green, hilly coastline of southwest Ireland are your guide for nearly the 26.2-mile
marathon.With a course that features "several interesting ups and downs," race organizers say, the Dingle marathon takes the runners through villages like Ballyameenboght, Ventry and Ballincota on its way southward and westward toward Slea head along the coastline. The course is described as "challenging," with terrain that follows the natural dips and rises of the land along the ocean, but also features breathtaking views of the water and the nearby Blasket islands off in the distance.The second annual 2010 Dingle Marathon proved to be another resounding success; with over 2,500 taking part in the Ultra, Full and Half Marathon and glorious conditions blessing the event.So i want to say as always a big thanks to the Wife and Kids for Supporting me as always with my craziness for marathon running and my uncle Stephen who made the day even more special for thanks and ill see u next year steve at the start line